These amazing new photos are by - Highly recommend!
These amazing new photos are by - Highly recommend!
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Quite often poor posture starts in the hip flexors. Easy fix . The magic of PNF stretching.
Discover the magic of midweek rejuvenation!
Join me every
Wednesday at 12:30 on
Rock Steady Zoom and
Facebook live Members page
Unlock greater mobility and balance with this yoga-based stretch class designed to improve range of motion, enhance stability, and release tight muscles. You’ll gently deepen stretches and support your body for a safe, effective practice. Perfect for all levels, Helping you move with ease and feel your best.
Elevate your fitness with Simple Strength.
Join me every Friday at 10:30 on Rock Steady Zoom.
Experience a holistic chair-based workout, merging strength, cardio, and flexibility. Ideal for all fitness levels. Join today for a healthier you!
Embark on an exciting Parkinson's fitness journey with us at the New Bridges for Parkinson's website, where a treasure trove of prerecorded classes awaits you. Let's move, learn, and grow together – all at your own pace. Join our vibrant community today and explore a world of wellness and support!
Explore the Journey of Your Soul with Theresa Kuhn
229 Ward Circle, Brentwood, TN Now at Movement, Massage And Breathwork, 2227 Drake Avenue, Building 3A Huntsville, AL